Saturday, December 14, 2013

My Punishment: Solitary Confinement in my Room on my Desktop Computer (Really? Yeah!)

I did a very stupid thing. I never made a password reset disk. I kept procrastinating, because of course I know my PW. Otherwise, how could I log into my laptop every day. Well, I learned my lesson the hard way, and it resulted in solitary confinement in my room. 

This actually is probably more serious than humorous, but the fact that I feel like I'm in prison right now is funny. Who actually sits in there room all day on their desktop computer nowadays. I mean really?! I can't believe this is happening!

Just don't do what I did. I procrastinated a very simple task and now I have to reinstall Windows on my machine. AAARGH! Just go here to get the rest of the story. 

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